Thursday, 19 November 2009
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Thursday, 12 November 2009
From mrs S
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Release date
Limited Addition Collectable Digipak
Includes No .1 hits "Little Secrets" and "Sparkler"
5 New Studio Recordings
Spectacular live performance
Backstage Never Seen Before Footage
All new collectable digipak from Passion Pit!
Includes the following features:
No. 1 Hits "Little Secrets" and "Puzzle"
New Music Video for "Little Secrets"
Personal message from Band Members
Exclusive Tour Date and Venues Info
5 new songs

Our secrets are:
No longer insecure
Taking anger management
No longer a binge drinker
We have now edited our final product; changing speed and effects (fading) have been added and this is our finished music video!
It is the one below:

We have not fully happy with this ending, as it the footage doesn't suggest the ending of the song. The fades, however, that we use between shots and at the very end are very effective and we may use this in the middle of the song where we intend to put the big sparklers scene. We chose to make the sparklers a major scene as the fireworks and stars did not show up, we may take pictures of the sparklers and link them to our anciliary tasks.
Here is our final ending. The final image relates to our ancillary task (which is where we got our idea from for our dvd cover from). We like this ending a lot as this sparkler shot could become a recogniseable symbol for Passion Pit just like Led Zepplin's recognisable font with their name.
Middle 1st draft:
Here is our footage for the firework scene - unfortunately the fireworks did not show up on the camera, we will try again however if this does not work a 2nd time we may have to re-consider the whole "staring at the stars on my ceiling" scene.
Here is our 2nd draft of the middle footage. We have included the beginning of the footage as well to see how if it runs smoothly. We really like the sparklers scene, the slow motion of it makes it look arty and "indie" which is the genre of the song, it really matches the change of music at that moment as well. We have put the scenes into a certain order: introduction of characters, hanging out in the day time, goes from day to night, at a party/gathering at night, then driving to the next gathering. We hope the video can portray a feel good vibe for young people watching it and make them want to go out and have lots of fun.
- When filming the “Sparklers” scene, none of our friends would be convinced to mime the words “Higher” to the song so we may have to do that ourselves (Chloe and I).
- Keeping the timings to the same time that we have previously predicted, however the changes we have made are even more affective.
- The fireworks and the stars scene was recording however does not show up on the camera, so the footage was just pitch black, so we may have to rethink what we can do to replace those scenes.
Our Letter to Richard Cohen, who is the Passion Pit Manager, about permission to use their record for our music video.
Dear Mr. Richard Cohen,
We are students at Edgbarrow School (Crowthorne). One of the subjects we are studying is Media Studies and for our coursework this year we have chosen to make a music video, which is why we are contacting you.
We would like your permission to use the song "Little Secrets" from the Passion Pit album Manners, as we really love the song and would be able to make an affective music video using this piece of music.
We could send you the finished copy if you would like to see the final product.
Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely,
Laura Smith and Chloe Hoptroff
Heres our 1st draft of the beginning of our music video.
Heres our 2nd draft of the beginning of our music video
The very beginning of it is blank as we have not finished filming the opening credits nor have we decided how we want the video to start. We may use opening credits which help introduce the song like "Passion Pit - Little Secrets" at the beginning or a voices over it saying "Take 1" with a clapper board to make it look like all one shot, just a camera following the people round for a day and night.
Here is our 3rd draft of the beginning, after considering how we wanted the music video to start we think this is the best way to help it portray a home made look. We decided not to use the clapper board as this would make it more movie style than home made video, we really like the beginning; our inspiration came from Nirvana's video for Seasons in the Sun.
Friday, 6 November 2009
From Mrs S
Here is some of the footage we have recorded already. Please note that the scenes are not in order or in time with the song, as we just want to give an idea as to what our video will portray.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Draft 1
0.0 – 0.05 opening credits “Passion Pit films presents Little Secrets” “Starring”
3.21 secs – shots of feet walking
15 secs introduce characters
20 – 51 secs – day time activities with the group, fighting, bundle,
25secs – Singing comes in
45 – 1min – driving scenes, going to party/gathering
1min – knocking at the door of party/gathering
1.02min – 1.14min – house gathering/party scenes
1.12min – secret box
1.21mins – first secret face “binge drinker”
1.31mins – sparkler scenes, slow motion shots
1.40mins – 2.36mins – party gathering scenes
3.51mins – 4mins – end scenes, walking away, sparklers going out
Changes Draft 2
46secs – 50secs – scenes from day to night
Final Timings
0.00.00 Beginning 'Passion Pit Films Present Little Secrets'
0.00.02 'Starring'
0.00.05 (Beat comes in) Introducing of characters
0.00.20 Friends start mucking about at the park
0.00.26 'Sun poured down into me' Image of the sky and sun
0.00.28 Back to scene of friends having fun
0.00.34 'Trembling fists' Shot of trembling fists
0.00.37 Friends playing again
0.00.43 Friends leaving the park
0.00.50 Friends in the car going to first party
0.01.00 Arriving at the party
0.01.01 Inside the party (House)
0.01.13 'This can be our little secret' (Lyrics)Shot of a box saying 'secrets'
0.01.14 Back to party scenes
0.01.22 ' I feel alive i feel it in me' (Lyrics) First secret face"I'm no longer a binge drinker"
0.01.26 Back to party scenes
0.01.32 Sparkler scene
0.01.40 Dancing at the party (Beat comes back)
0.01.43 At the party clinking all drinks together
0.01.47 Back to party scene
0.02.16 Clinking all drink together again
0.02.35 Leaving first party
0.02.37 Driving to the next party
0.02.40 Second secret face 'Let this be our little secret' (Lyrics) "Ex Addict"
0.02.51 Driving
0.02.54 Arrived at second party
0.03.16 Third secret face. ‘Starring at my scars' (Lyrics)"I'm no longer insecure"
0.03.21 Party scene
0.03.57 Sparkler scene
We have to edit our timings to the footage we could get as the fireworks and "getting dark" scene was unfortunately not showing up on the camera. But these timings, I feel, will be sufficient for showing our story line.

Grant Road
RG45 7HZ
24th October 2009
This is a letter of concerning your permission of being filmed for our music video, Little Secrets by Passion Pit.
Please sign below if you enable us to film and use footage of you for our video.
Thank you very much for co-operation.
Chloe and Laura