Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Music Video Questionnaire

Are you male or female?
{ } Male
{ } Female

How often do you watch music videos?
{ } Everyday
{ } Every other day
{ } Once a week
{ } Other

Do you think music videos are vital for the music industry and why?
{ } Yes
{ } No

Will watching a music video make you want to download the song?
{ } Yes
{ } No

Have you ever brought a music video and why?
{ } Yes
{ }No

Do you tend to watch music videos by artists that you like?
{ } Yes
{ } No

How do you watch music videos? (You can tick more than one)
{ } TV
{ } Internet
{ } Music Shops

Do you like a relationship between the music and lyrics? (E.g. singing about a car crash, then the video shows a car crash)
{ } Yes
{ } No

Do you like close ups of the artist/bands who are singing the song?
{ } Yes
{ } No
{ } Don’t mind

Do you like intertextual references within the music video? (E.g. Relates to other music videos or TV programmes; Eminem does this a lot)
{ } Yes
{ } No

Do you like the music video performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based?
{ } Performance-based
{ } Narrative-based
{ } Concept-based
{ } A combination of: ______________________________

Do you like the music video longer than the original song?
{ } Yes
{ } No

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